We humans like any other kind of mammals are meant to do physical work, that is what our bodies are made for. If we don’t do physical work, we will be unnatural and consequently, we can find ourselves in trouble – at the very least it will make us unhealthy. Weight lifting or strength training - has many beneficial effects on the human body. If you have found your way to this page then you want to know about them. Here are a few reasons why lift weights:
Weightlifting will make you stronger. You may be thinking why you would want the extra strength but trust us on this, once you gain some extra strength you won't want to lose it. Weight lifting will strengthen your core and consequently, you will feel a spring in your heels - it will seem as if you bouncing instead of walking. Every physical task will become easier for you. You will feel lighter on your feet and will have stronger balance.
Lifting weight will make you healthy. It will do wonders for losing weight, giving you strength, and repairing your metabolism. However, one thing, which no one tells you about, is that it will also make you full of energy and make your thought processes sharper - yes, using your body will affect your brain too. And now studies are saying that it will help you live longer too.
Injury prevention
Lifting weights will make your muscles, bones, and joints, stronger, and will help you prevent injuries of all sorts. For example, as your bones will get stronger, you'll have less chance of breaking them. Muscles and bone strength is related – make your muscles stronger and you'll make the bones strong too.
Confidence boost
Getting stronger is a major confidence boost. You'll simply be more confident in everyday interactions with other people. And as the day will wear on so will not your energy.
Becoming more attractive
Strength training or weight lifting will make you more attractive. It will give you nice muscles, a night of good sleep at the night, and remove the bags from under your eyes. Strong people are more attractive than weak ones. Maybe it has something to do with evolution. We simply prefer stronger, healthier mates. Consider this: who will seem attractive to you, a seventy-year-old woman who can barely walk without a stick, or a seventy-year-old badass woman who can lift more weight than you.
Getting leaner and meaner
Lifting weight will make you lose fat. It will do so by burning extra fat, putting muscles in the right places, and getting rid of water retention bloating.
So do give weight training a try, there is more to gain here than lose. But, remember weight lifting or strength training is an art in itself. There are ways to do these things and not to. Keep to natural positions and body movement only. Start with light weights - do more repetitions instead of lifting heavy weights in a few repetitions. Both have more or less the same effect on the body, but lighter weights with more reps are safer. Better still, find a trainer or someone who knows the ins and out of strength training.