Bodybuilding vs. Martial Arts? Which is Better For You?

If you want to pick one of them and train, you will have to first decide what you want to achieve with them. Do you want your body to look good and tough or do you want to be actually tough and be able to defend yourself in a sticky situation?

mixed martial artist vs bodybuilder

First thing you should know is that a bodybuilder will never win against a martial artist; (unless the physical difference between them is too big) no matter how lethal or big they look. Some people see a bodybuilder and automatically assume that they must be very tough but the truth is that being a bodybuilder will not teach you how to use your body in a fight – that’s a different art altogether – it is called martial arts.

Bodybuilders may look tough and yes, they are strong, but that does not make them good in a real physical confrontation. The reason for this is that most bodybuilders, who have developed their muscles in a gym, lack functional strength because of the nature of the weight machines. Free weights are better but even with them, you would not really be that tough. Because fighting is a different art altogether, being strong means that you have a good weapon but someone with a small and bad weapon could still overwhelm you if you do not know how to use your good one.

Martial arts teaches you how to use your body as a weapon - it teaches you how to defend yourself, and how to avoid fights (because, those who know how to fight really, are not actually keen on doing it).

Training for martial arts will tone up your body somewhat and give you strength but the difference it will make on your body will not be very noticeable. Therefore, if making your body muscular is important to you then do as Buddha said, you should choose the middle path. A little of this and a little of that.

A little bodybuilding will give you strength and a good-looking body while martial arts will give you confidence and actually teach you how to defend yourself.

You should strike a balance between them and do a little of both.

However, if looking muscular is not important to you then you should definitely choose martial arts. It is a skill that you could use in real life, in sticky situations. With martial arts, a smaller person can physically overpower much bigger opponents. If you are a woman or are physically weaker than others are, then it will give you an immense confidence boost, which will change your life – we are not exaggerating this. Everyone knows that living in fear every day is no fun.

Besides martial arts is a true art form. Its basics are easy enough to learn quickly, but there is actually so much to learn that one can never actually master it all, there is always something new to learn. You will be fascinated by its study and enjoy its practice. Yes, according to us, you should definitely choose martial arts.

Where there is preparation, there is no fear.

- Hwang Kee



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