Is Wrestling the Greatest Sport Ever
People often talk about which is the greatest sport in the world?
Well, there are quite a few ones to choose from, let us look at them. Football? People running around, hitting a ball with their feet. In American football, People run around throwing a ball and getting tackled in the process. Cricket! Don’t even get us started. Guys throwing a ball at sticks, meanwhile another guy has to use a bat to hit it as hard as possible.
All of them are team sports and all of them suck.
You may be wondering why? Well, let us just say that playing these games will only serve one purpose – which is entertaining yourself (if you are not talented enough to earn money from them). These games will not be of any real use in real life to you. You will gain no real skill by participating in these sports.
However, you will need equipment to play them - for your own safety. You will need lots of people and a piece of real estate.
You may be wondering why? Well, let us just say that playing these games will only serve one purpose – which is entertaining yourself (if you are not talented enough to earn money from them). These games will not be of any real use in real life to you. You will gain no real skill by participating in these sports.
However, you will need equipment to play them - for your own safety. You will need lots of people and a piece of real estate.
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing.
-Marcus Aurelius
Now compare them all to wrestling - one of the oldest sports in human history, which is certainly is going to last quite a bit too, perhaps more than any other sport.
What is the most common sport in the world? It is wrestling. In every country (Sumo in Japan, Indian wrestling, African, etc), every culture has some kind of wrestling background.
Combat sports are the most meaningful sports and wrestling is the most sublime combat sport of them all.
Here two people try to overpower each other with various techniques so they will achieve total control over the bodies of their opponents. Even the most indifferent person will have to agree that it is the most logical of all sports (no running after a ball here), and most exciting directly.
Wrestling is a useful skill too, you can actually use wrestling in self-defense. You can use wrestling in MMA. Wrestling will give you unparalleled self-confidence in everyday life.
Wrestling may not be the hardest sport but it is certainly the most grueling one out there. Practicing it will build your endurance and will improve your balance.
Once you have wrestled, everything in life is easy
-Dan Gable
It is a form of art; here technique, balance, and endurance will always triumph over brute strength. Size does give you an advantage in wrestling but that is why there are different weight classes.
Wrestling is so effective that some of the greatest MMA fighters are excellent wrestlers, like Georges St. Pierre, Cain Velasquez, Daniel Cormier, Ben Askren, and Khabib Nurmagomedov.
However, what makes wrestling greater than any other combat sport is that it is the safest of them all. It is very unlikely that you will ever end up with a severe injury while practicing wrestling (the most you can end up with if you do not use ear protectors, is “cauliflower” ears). You do not hit your opponents here; you just try to put them in a position where you have total control over them - safer for you, safer for them.
Compare this to boxing – a sport where you wear gloves on your hands and try to knock someone out. Yes, boxing is a combat sport but it is dumb and even worse than cricket, baseball, or tennis.
In case you may be wondering, wrestling is the safest of all combat arts but that doesn’t make it any less effective. Truth be told it is certainly among the most sensible and effective ones. Just think about this, if you choose boxing for self-defense, you will have to carry boxing gloves your entire life, because hitting someone with bare knuckles is not a wise idea - you will just end up injuring your own hands. Famous boxer Floyd Mayweather has broken his hands many times in his career, and he wears thickly padded gloves to protect them.
The biggest advantage of wrestling is that once wrestlers take hold of you, they totally control you. Once they take you down you cannot use any of your fancy strikes or karate chops.
MMA is a mix of many combat sports, so we can’t compare it to wrestling – which is a major part of MMA itself.
Besides, boxing is extremely dangerous because repeated blows to the head can cause irreparable brain trauma – the worst sort of injury.
Wrestling is a special sport for humans and needs to be taught to youngsters more and introduced in schools around the world. Wrestling builds character and young people with extra energy can always use it to keep busy and remain out of trouble - they often get in when they don’t have any way to spend that extra energy.
Considering all this, wrestling seems like a sensible choice to name the greatest sport ever.